Submit support requests
Am I telling you to ask for help? Yes, absolutely. How else will a developer know when something isn’t working. When you participate through support requests you are introducing the developer to environments that are different from their own. Just because you are having an issue doesn’t necessarily mean the plugin is bad. There all kinds of reasons you might be having issues.
- You have a different server set up
- Your plugin combination is introducing a conflict
- Your theme choice is introducing a conflict
- A simple bug was overlooked
- The stars are out of alignment
But we as developers can’t fix those issues if you don’t tell us about them. I can’t speak for all developers but anyone who has asked for help from before know that we care very deeply for offering the best support possible. We do it every day.
Now do we like spending countless hours dealing with support requests? Of course not, but do you know what we like even less. Someone unhappy with the plugin because of something that we could have easily fixed if they would have just told us about it. Your problem is our problem, unless you don’t tell us about it and then it just might become everyone’s problem.
Leave a Review
The sad truth is that people are more likely to complain than compliment. When people are unsatisfied they will go great lengths to make sure everyone hears it. I’m not exactly sure why this is but I think it’s something we need to change. Sure, sometimes someone or something is worthy of a complaint although you can still learn to give a good bad review. But what about when that isn’t the case?
Praise goes a long way. Nothing motivates a developer like a little positive affirmation. When you use a plugin that you love it’s imperative that you share that with the developer and the community. We work hard to make our users happy and then, when they publicly compliment us, we work even harder for it never to be proven untrue.
If you’ve received exceptional support from us and love what Ninja Forms does for your WordPress website please let your voice be heard. Not only will you make two developers day but you’ll give us something to live up to and hopefully surpass.
Do this for all the developers who have made your site better and you’ll ensure that the best is yet to come.