One must be already aware of the basic colors, namely red, green, and yellow, primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors. After some job design work you must have realized that there are a number of colors that can be used in web design. Classification is one way to decide easily about the color scheme and color contrast. The classification the colors used in web design are as follows.
• Analogous Color Scheme: When the colors placed side by side or are neighbors with reference to the color wheel are used in the color scheme, the color scheme is called Analogous color scheme. When this sort of color scheme is used the eyes of the viewer feel comfort. The contrast is not very high. The stress on the part of the viewer is zero. It is because of this that the message of the website can be communicated in the best of creative, appealing and convincing manner.
• Triadic Color Scheme: When three colors, each of which is below 120 degrees are used for the color scheme, the color scheme is called triadic color scheme. The use of triadic color scheme can lead to a design layout that is very much in balance. Most of the times, among the three colors, two are dominant while the purpose of third color is just highlighting the element that has the third color.
• Tetrad Color Scheme: When in the color wheel two colors that are adjacent and two colors that are opposite to each other, in all four colors, are used, the color scheme is called tetrad color scheme. Most of the designers usually find this color scheme to be complicated.
• Monochromatic Color Scheme: The color scheme that is based only on a single color is called a monochromatic color scheme. The clarity of view is dependent on the variance in saturation and hue. The use of black and white is an example of monochromatic color scheme. The contrast in a monochromatic color scheme can be quite limited but a designer can always design unique and appealing web designs even with monochromatic color scheme. At times brilliant creations are possible under restrictions of using a single color and its different shades.
• Complementary Color Scheme: In this sort of color scheme the designer depends on the color wheel. In the complementary color scheme the colors used are placed opposite to each other on the color wheel. The color wheel should be split in to two equal sized semicircles when a imaginary line connects the colors chosen for the complementary color scheme. In this color scheme the selection of the color should be done very carefully. Choice of wrong colors can cause discomfort for the viewer and in some cases prove to be an irritant too. If appropriate colors are chosen for the complementary color scheme, the web design can be not only beautiful but also very appealing.
• Split Complementary Color Scheme: In this sort of color scheme the designer does not opt for the colors exactly opposite to each other on the color wheel but sways a few degrees on the right or the left side. Usually the split complementary color scheme is resorted to by the experts and not by the novices.